
You are very fortunate, given your many personal and professional accomplishments at this stage of life. Investing in wealth-building strategies over time has afforded you and your family a significant net worth. Perhaps your financial obligations are beginning to decrease as children move away or finish college. Or, they are increasing due to the expenses required to support aging family members. Let us navigate these important late-career years with you to maximize your situation.

  • Are you preparing properly for "the next stage?"

    Continue to utilize your retirement contributions as appropriate and review with us, recognizing you are able to contribute an incremental “catch-up” contribution.

  • Have you reviewed your tax situation?

    You may be considering tax strategy savings for alternative sources of retirement income.

  • What is your risk tolerance?

    We talk about risk with you. Everyone has different risk tolerances based on their unique situation. We are here to help you identify the risk tolerance that's right for you, and incorporate that into your goals and objectives.

  • What should your asset allocation look like?

    To achieve your late career and retirement goals, we will work with you to construct a plan that takes into account your current net worth, available savings, emergency fund, and investment budget along with your time horizon. With this information, will develop with you an asset allocation model that addresses your goal within your risk tolerance.